Judge Lister Nuku (centre) and Judge Vincent Saldanha ((right) former Co-chairperson) receiving their certificates from LSSA Co-Chairperson Jan van Rensburg.
Compiled by Barbara Whittle
The council of the Law Society of South Africa (LSSA) resolved earlier this year to present certificates to council members who had served on council and completed their term of service. The certificates are to recognise the contribution to the attorneys’ profession made by attorneys – many of who are now judges – who have served as council members of the LSSA. It was also resolved that to present the certificates to former councillors attending the annual general meetings of their relevant provincial law society during October and November this year.
Former Co-chairperson of the Law Society of South Africa (LSSA), Krish Govender, (pictured with former Co-chairperson of the LSSA, Richard Scott (right)) received a certificate of recognition for serving on the LSSA council.
Service by the following councillors (who are no longer on the LSSA’s council) was recognised:
- Susan Abro (former Co-chairperson)
- Koos Alberts
- Allison Alexander
- John Anderson
- Eric Barry
- William Booth
- Daryl Burman
- Peter Chidi
- Llewelyn Curlewis
- Mara de Klerk
- CP Fourie
- Iqbal Ganie
- Krish Govender (former Co-chairperson)
- Judge David Gush (former Co-chairperson)
- Etienne Horn (former Co-chairperson)
- Mohamed Husain
- Judge Maake Kganyago
- Judge Elizabeth Kubushi
- Lulama Lobi
- Busani Mabunda (former Co-chairperson)
- David MacDonald (former Co-chairperson)
- Strike Madiba
- Pumzile Majeke
- Judge Babalwa Mantame
- Clayton Manxiwa
- Jan Maree (former Co-chairperson)
- Percival Maseti
- Kathleen Matolo-Dlepu (former Co-chairperson)
- Judge Yvonne Mbatha
- Davies Mculu
- Sithembele Mgxaji
- Judge Atkins Moleko
- Judge Jake Moloi (former Co-chairperson)
- Saloshna Moodley
- the late George Moolman
- McDonald Moroka
- Judge Segopotje Sheila Mphahlele
- Henry Msimang (former Co-chairperson)
- Janine Myburgh
- Nosidima Ndlovu (former Co-chairperson)
- the late Edward Mvuseni Ngubane (former Co-chairperson)
- Silas Nkanunu (former Co-chairperson)
- Judge Lister Nuku
- Christoff Pauw
- Judge Thoba Poyo-Dlwati (former Co-chairperson)
- David Randles
- Judge Vincent Saldanha (former Co-chairperson)
- Praveen Sham (former Co-chairperson)
- Lesane Sesele
- Judge Zukiswa Tshiqi
- Henri van Rooyen (former Co-chairperson)
- Julian von Klemperer (former Co-chairperson)
- Adrian Watermeyer.
Compiled by Barbara Whittle, communication manager, Law Society of South Africa, barbara@lssa.org.za
This article was first published in De Rebus in 2016 (Dec) DR 19.